Our Services

At Reclaim Heritage, we are committed to making a positive impact on local communities through our work. While we do engage in commercial and developer-funded projects, our steadfast principle is to only undertake such endeavors when there is a clear and tangible benefit to the community. Often, this results in us working in collaboration with other archaeological contractors.

We firmly believe that our actions should resonate with and uplift the people and places we serve. Our dedication to community well-being is at the core of everything we do, ensuring that our efforts result in lasting and demonstrable improvements for all.

Pre-Planning Services & Consultancy

Risk Appraisals
Desk-Based Assessments (DBA)
Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) 
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI)

We provide a full range of heritage services helping to identify heritage risks early in the planning process and develop mitigation strategies to avoid unforeseen delays and costs while engaging with the interests of the local community.

We carry out rapid appraisals useful for highlighting the heritage risks when considering land purchases. We also undertake more detailed high-level research to fully assess the significance of the archaeological and built heritage assets in support of planning applications.

Our team will provide you with the necessary documentation helping to inform planning decisions, including Desk-Based Assessments, Heritage Statements, and input into Environmental Impact Assessments.

Archaeological Investigation

Watching Brief
Trial Trenching
Strip, Map and Record 
Test Pitting

Our experienced team have designed and delivered archaeological fieldwork projects across the UK and abroad. We develop and manage projects ranging from small-scale watching briefs and evaluation trial trenches to larger excavations for complex infrastructure projects.

We prepare Written Scheme of Investigations (WSIs) outlining the scope of archaeological works and how they will be delivered inline with the requirements of the Local Planning Authority.

With experience in rural and multi-period urban archaeology, we offer pragmatic solutions to the pressures of the development and construction delivered efficiently and on-time.

Survey & Mapping

Aerial Survey
Earthwork Survey
Geospatial Analysis
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

We specialise in the collection, analysis and presentation of geographic information and spatial data. We adopt a range of techniques to accurately record and display archaeological fieldwork data from topographic survey using GPS and total stations, 3D modelling using digital photogrammetry, and aerial drone survey.

We embrace the latest technological innovations, providing our clients with the highest-quality standards of work whilst reducing the cost and improving the efficiency of projects.

Historic Building Recording

Standing Buildings
Analytical Drawings
Rectified Photography
Building Survey
Built Heritage

Our team works with local authority planners, architects, surveyors and others to record and help better understand historic buildings before their repair, alteration or demolition.
We provide visual, descriptive, analytical, and comprehensive analysis of a buildings fabric inline with CIfA and Historic England guidelines underpinned by the a range of digital survey and imaging techniques, such as 3D laser scanning, photogrammetry and total station theodolite survey.

Reporting & Publication

Project Design
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Monograph Series
Short Reports

We undertake post-excavation assessment and analysis reporting for all types of heritage projects, performing detailed research in collaboration with industry-leading specialists to enable successful discharge of planning conditions.
We can guide you through the post-excavation process from initial cataloguing and data generation, analysis of information produced during fieldwork, publication and presentation of results, to final deposition and archive with the relevant local museum.

Graphics & Photography

Digital Photography
Macro Photography
Finds Illustration
Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI)

We provide a range of illustrative outputs from those needed for a brief report, glossy publication or even a museum display. We use a range of tools for providing all types of mapping, technical drawings, report illustrations, and publication drawings.

We provide professional quality photography on-site and in the studio, producing a range of outputs from detailed macro-photography of artefacts through to 3D models using photogrammetry.

We also provide illustrations of finds for technical reports and publication, including of animal remains, coins, jewellery, pottery, stone tools and other artefacts.